Sunday 29 May 2011

I gonna to killing this LIZArd tonight....continue with B.M. now...bye

Saturday 21 May 2011

Today is DOOMS DAY

Well, another doom day fail. I still alive.
I wonder why everyone likes to create such rumors that the world is going to end soon.
Maybe they earn something through the fear of the human, or maybe they just too bored in their life,
so they make a very lame joke with all human which live in this Earth.
The world won't simply end like this. I believe.

Saturday 14 May 2011

2st Post, 2011

  "I had gave up my dream, so now I have nothing."
  That's what had said longtime ago. And today, something reminds me of this.
  This is an ancient story, longtime ago, there’s a stupid man named Icarus, who worships the sun, he use the wings made ​​with wax, to fly overhead to chase the sun. The result is Icarus’s wings melted by the sun with anger.
  My "wings" in the end ... ... just a pair of fake wings which made wax paste?
  My "wings" had melted before. It's hurt, but I never tell anyone.
  Because I believe, one day, I will be able to escape from hell with my own real "wings".
  I thought I had escaped, but is it true?or just my imagination? 

Thursday 12 May 2011

1st Post, 2011

  Well, there is about 1year I officially stop using blogger from now.
  Reason is, there are too many spammers in my blog, and I'm seriously annoyed.
  Honestly, I might be a good writer, but must not a good blogger.
  I'm only writing when there's an inspiration comes to my mind, so my blog would not be updated so frequently.

  Remind me of my first blog was created by September of 2008, that was 3 years ago.
  And my first post, was a poetry, name "Rhapsody of the Night"
  Wonder why I had time to wrote such poetry that time.
  It was my A levels time..............................................................

  Anyway,new blogspot, second Dark Corner.
  I hope I will be able to manage this well.

-D/S-12/5/11 6.56PM