Tuesday 27 December 2011



Monday 19 December 2011



Wednesday 14 December 2011

Hug Day?

Today is "Hug Day" at Korea.
What is Hug Day stand for?
This is a day that allow people have a "reasonable" excuse to hug people that they would like to hug.
This is a short information about Hug Day from Google search:
"Hug Day was moved from December 11 to December 14 a few years ago in order to match all the other quirky unofficial Korean holidays that fall on the 14th of every month."

Wednesday 2 November 2011



Wednesday 5 October 2011

Okay..so Apple Iphone 4S

Allright..sorry for my laziness to update my blog.
It is because I not really like to share my life story sometimes:P
Anyway, this morning, Apple had reveal the latest Iphone machine.
And it so called Iphone 4S.
Obviously it's the upgrade version of Iphone4 which:
- turn 5MP camera to 8MP with 1080HD recording.
- using A5 chips a.k.a dual core processors
- new antenna design to fix the bug occurs on previous version
- I-Cloud service?
- Siri, a new voice command feature
It might be a surprise to some Apple fans that Iphone5 is not released and to be the people had expected 4S, the new features is actually got no surprise.

Iphone 4S looks, introducing Siri feature (picture taken from Apple official website)

As a user of Samsung Galaxy S2, basically I already got most of the features that 4S had and maybe this year will be a tough year for Apple.

Anyway, there are some minor update for Ipod products as well.
A new white color version of Ipod touch will be released and there are some minor update for Ipod nano
And sure, I'm happy to see the update of Nano's
New interface and New clockfaces
Apple try to emphasize the function of the Nano's to become a watch instead of normal MP3 player
And yet, Update is now available through itunes.
ipod nano with new interface and update(picture taken from Apple official website)

Wednesday 31 August 2011

You are an apple in my eyes


Wednesday 10 August 2011

2nd week

To gonna end of 2nd week of new semester.
What I done these 2 weeks?
Nothing, I just can't get rid from Daploblam
so yeah...no aim yet.
You, yes, you....
Please tell me, what am I gonna to do?

"I smiles and laugh, it just like Panadol, it relief pains for a moment" At least.. 

                                                                                                                      - DS -

Saturday 6 August 2011

time would not return

What had done was done.
We can't change the past.
Don't expect everything will just return to what the past looks like.
There is no a thing call "fair" in this world.
How much you giving doesn't mean how much you will gain.

Yes, I almost forget about this. And now i remembered.

"A bread is how valuable to a poor but just like rubbish for a rich"

Monday 1 August 2011

is meaningless if gain something by using force



Thursday 28 July 2011

Friday 22 July 2011


Can my life don't be so dramatic?It sucks.
That's why I just so difficult to believe someone.
That's why I just too protective to myself when facing someone.
Who cause it?My life.
It makes me mature, it makes me independent, it makes me acts cold, it makes me realistic.
Even though i tried to open up myself.

I just tired of this

Salute to my dramatic life. (Laugh)

Thursday 21 July 2011

There's nothing I can do

I just unable to do anything but let it happen in front of me. 
What can I do? I can do nothing.
Someone want to stop the time but I wish to reverse the time back now

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Monday 18 July 2011


Now is safe
But I'm not satisfied..
So how?
It is so complicated

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Lost time never come back

“Time just combination of the human feeling,
     We never lost it, it just becomes our memories”

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Gone too soon

You were gone too soon
You are a part of me
and now I'll never be the same
Here without you
You were gone too soon

- Simple Plan 'Gone too Soon' -

Tuesday 5 July 2011


Try to paralyses myself but seems I failed to do so.
Try to forget and obviously I can't
What should I do?

I don't know.
I'm still searching for the answer

Monday 4 July 2011


change the typing software in my new SGS2..
It's called Touchpal...it is just nice to use.
Smooth in both english and chinese typing
that's exactly what I need..=)
even though i had used to the Sogou input.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Galaxy in my hand

Finally, Samsung Galaxy S2 is on my hand yesterday.
It is a big but extreme slim device i ever had.
The spec is consider as perfect for me so far.
Well, except for the terrible battery consuming and heat up problem
Just like other Andriod smart phone.
A small black box just fit the size of this 4.3inches screen phone.
in the box, there's only one device, one charger, one earphone and one user manual
okay...some might find me crazy go purchase the phone all the way from JB just for 2years warranty.

Galaxy S2 just too slim if compare to my previous N95, it just almost 1/3 of my N95 thickness

The size is bigger than previous phone.
But luckily is slim enough and i can't feel anything when i put in my pocket

This is officially the 3rd phone I had. Start from NK7610.
I never spoil my phone and my every phone works well still even though the oldest already 6years life.
So i hope SGS2 will be able to accompany until I graduate.
I hope so.=P

Saturday 25 June 2011


Even myself are not understand.
Do you understand?


Friday 24 June 2011

After EXAM

Yes, yesterday was the last paper of this semester.
Finally the examination end by 4pm.
Anyway, I didn't feel any excitement of the end of the examination,
but started worry about the results.
The feeling just too sucks.

Btw, went to steamboat with another 3, in the afternoon.
Yeah...I know it's weird to have steamboat at 5pm but..
yes we did.

Yeah...and this just a random photo taken during the 2hours steamboat:

 and Today I'm back to BP, is time to rest.
And to get my new Galaxy..................

Monday 13 June 2011

Friday 3 June 2011

2 Ways to know I'm going have final exam.

2 Ways to know I'm going have final exam.
1st: Pimples in my face
2nd: Body weight decreasing.


Find the way out

Too much things are happen in same time.
And these things cause my mood turns negative.

but I try to smile.
but I try to laugh.
and I try to...

I must solve these one by one.

I must find the way out.

Final examination comes first.
and is time to finish all the assignment.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

When someone try his best to escape from hell and he is going to success, and yet he fall to hell once again.
I should said that, this man got no worth to alive anymore.

                                                                                                                            - [D/S] 010611-

Sunday 29 May 2011

I gonna to killing this LIZArd tonight....continue with B.M. now...bye

Saturday 21 May 2011

Today is DOOMS DAY

Well, another doom day fail. I still alive.
I wonder why everyone likes to create such rumors that the world is going to end soon.
Maybe they earn something through the fear of the human, or maybe they just too bored in their life,
so they make a very lame joke with all human which live in this Earth.
The world won't simply end like this. I believe.

Saturday 14 May 2011

2st Post, 2011

  "I had gave up my dream, so now I have nothing."
  That's what had said longtime ago. And today, something reminds me of this.
  This is an ancient story, longtime ago, there’s a stupid man named Icarus, who worships the sun, he use the wings made ​​with wax, to fly overhead to chase the sun. The result is Icarus’s wings melted by the sun with anger.
  My "wings" in the end ... ... just a pair of fake wings which made wax paste?
  My "wings" had melted before. It's hurt, but I never tell anyone.
  Because I believe, one day, I will be able to escape from hell with my own real "wings".
  I thought I had escaped, but is it true?or just my imagination? 

Thursday 12 May 2011

1st Post, 2011

  Well, there is about 1year I officially stop using blogger from now.
  Reason is, there are too many spammers in my blog, and I'm seriously annoyed.
  Honestly, I might be a good writer, but must not a good blogger.
  I'm only writing when there's an inspiration comes to my mind, so my blog would not be updated so frequently.

  Remind me of my first blog was created by September of 2008, that was 3 years ago.
  And my first post, was a poetry, name "Rhapsody of the Night"
  Wonder why I had time to wrote such poetry that time.
  It was my A levels time..............................................................

  Anyway,new blogspot, second Dark Corner.
  I hope I will be able to manage this well.

-D/S-12/5/11 6.56PM